Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Drop Dead Healthy

Want to read something motivating but very very funny, try Drop Dead Healthy by A.J. Jacobs. I was cracking up while reading it today and I was reminded of something we do in the ACB Weight Management Program. That is, measuring your waistline once a week. For one reason to be aware of what's going on with your body so you can take action or at least feel tempted too! It's been shown that those who measure their waistline and weight once per week, maintain weight loss long term. Another reason, the one I was reminded of in the book, is that the size of your waistline is one of the best predictors of heart disease. So bust out the tape measure and the scale once per week and check in with yourself. Knowing what is going on is the first part of making a change! If you want some assistance with weight loss, try our WMP (Weight Management Program). Nutrition, exercise classes, and support to give you a jump start!

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