Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Training Around the Corner

It is that time of year again! Triathlon Training…or, let’s call it what it is SPRING HAS SPRUNG…SPRING TRAINING with Morri and Jessie Mac! Okay, gang, Jessie and I have gotten together several times in preparation for another great training season. Here are a few exciting changes:
· More guest speakers
· Two extra weeks of training (for very little cost increase to you!)
· Guest trainer, Julia Sandvall
· New and innovative workouts
· Weekly pictures
· Discounts on workshops (like Bootcamp and High Intensity Training)

Space is going to be limited this year due to the fact that it will be Jessie and I teaching most of the sessions. We feel strongly that the ratio of participants to trainers should stay small, allowing us to give you that one-on-one attention you deserve.

Spring Training (Triathlon Training) will begin April 27th and run 12 weeks, culminating in the Deschutes Dash, July 19th and 20th. Some of you have asked for the ability to choose from the Sprint distance or the Olympic distance races and I am currently working on getting in contact with Gina Miller, Deschutes Dash coordinator, to set that up.

This training program is designed to increase stamina, agility, strength, performance and overall health, by targeting all muscle groups and exposing the participants to swimming, cycling and running. We do not expect participants to compete. It is your choice. This training program, more than anything else, establishes a camaraderie and fitness support network that makes those hot summer days a grand playground! However, last year we had about 25 participants with seven actually competing in a triathlon (or several triathlons). Every competitor improved their times from years past!

We will offer days and times throughout the week, just as we did last year. We would love to hear from you whether you plan on joining us again this year. There will be a monetary advantage to committing to the program and signing up early. We are sending this out to past participants for priority and the opportunity for advance sign-up, so take advantage of this and LET US KNOW!!!

See you at the Club!
Morri Stewart, ACE PFT, Athletic Club of Bend
Morri's cell: 771-9226, email:
Jessie Macpherson, NSCA-CSCS, ACSM-HFS, Athletic Club of Bend
Jessie's cell: 771-4034, email:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fourth Annual Pedal Fast Bike Swap

The 4th Annual Pedal Fast Bike Swap is going on Saturday, May 2nd from 9:00am to 3:00pm at The Bend Factory Stores (at South Highway 97 & Powers Road). Just a heads up to vendors who want to take advantage of a free event to get their name out there and also for anyone looking for a good deal on new & used bicycles, equipment, apparel, and shoes.
Happy cycling!

Ya-Ya's for Everyone!

The current recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics states children, teens and adults should be "physically active for at least 60 minutes per day." In our household, that translates into “getting one’s Ya-Ya’s out.”
As a personal trainer, I work primarily with adults. When assessing an individual’s fitness level at any age, I take into consideration their verbal history based upon lifestyle choices, diets and prior injuries, as well as non-verbal communicators such as posture, skin color, and breathing. Working with kids at any age, just as with adults, is a balance act between correcting detrimental posture while doing physical activities… and making it fun!
According to Cathy Sassin, local uber athlete, mom, and owner of nutrition program Intrafitt, kids in their teens are six times more likely to develop metabolic syndrome (defined by the American Heart Association as “a group of metabolic risk factors within one person” and including abdominal obesity and high blood pressure) without at least 20 minutes of exercise each day. A sobering thought if we take into consideration the growing number of children suffering from Type II Diabetes in the United States.
Statistics show that children take their cues from their mother’s fitness level: When mom is active, kids are more active. Given the choice and opportunity, children crave time with the adults in their lives. If that time falls under the definition of ‘play’ it’s even better! When parents focus on physical activities that require kids to ‘beat’ an opponent, or as a commandment for a sedentary child without setting an example themselves, they are sending the wrong message to their child—it should be all about the fun. With the right play clothes, toys and activities you'll reach 60 minutes of activity with your children each and every day!
We have all sorts of made up words in our home. Upside over commonly describes the cat hanging by its hind legs. Nuggles are generally best first thing in the morning, but come in handy when someone has scraped a knee. Getting one’s Ya-Ya’s out always involves lots of laughter and a great deal of chaotic, energetic play for both myself and my kids. Perhaps this sounds simplistic and granted, I am still in the ‘smaller child’ phase, having twins who just turned six, but the elements of ‘play’ and ‘sharing’ are ones I keep coming back to as both a mother and a professional. So, get out there and get your Ya-Ya’s out!

Fitwize 4 Kids offers a wide variety of programs designed to be fun, positive and just for kids Contact: Cathy Sassin Tel: (541)647-4587 The Athletic Club of Bend is also starting a kids-only yoga class on Wednesday afternoons starting March 2009 - Call (541)385-3062 for details.

Morri Stewart

Lost It at the Club Final Results

Final Results are In! Everyone who participated did great. Here's the stats:
Total # of participants: 58
Total # of pounds lost: 135
Total # of inches lost: 101
Total # of fat pounds lost: 175
Total # of lean pounds gained: 72

Overall Winner – Leanne Johnson, most overall inches and pounds lost, most fat pounds lost
& Biggest drop in %body fat

Winner – John Donohue, most lean pounds gained