Tuesday, July 19, 2011

TDW today at noon with Doug

Kettlebells and Ropes:

Warm Up:
Jog 4 laps around the courtyard, then 10 reps of letterball.

Lunges: 10 reps
Medicine ball throw back: 15 reps
Alternating arm 1/2 rope wave: 20 reps
Repeat 3 times

Walking twisting lunge: 12 steps per leg
Kettlebell swing: 10 reps
Lumberjack: 10 reps per side
Repeat 2 times

Box jumps: 10 reps
Double arm 1/2 rope waves: 25 reps
Plank: 1 minute

Cool Down:
Ankle tilts
Knee circles
Hip pendulums

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