Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TRX Straps

Have you ever tried the TRX straps? They were invented by a Navy Seal and are presently being used in Iraq for staying fit for combat. They are attached to Humvee's and can be used anywhere (in your home also).
Looking for core strength? TRX will get you in shape for any sport without lifting a dumbbell, it is all in the body weight, make it as easy or as hard as you like. Want to hang like a monkey, have fun like a kid again? TRX will train you for any sport you are in or want to do better at. Come and check them out upstairs in the weight room at ACB. You can sign up for a session or just call and I will give you a mini demo for free. Guaranteed laughter and fun, with a few grunts and groans in between!

nanseeb 385-3062 ext. 200

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Nansee,
I just bought TWO sets of TRX straps - one for me and one for my parents. It is such a versitle piece of equipment. I can talk them through exercises over the phone (although I wish they would just move over here, darn it - it would make workouts with them so much easier, haha). I would love to workout with you one day to have a TRX-knowledgeable set of eyes on me for form and to learn some new exercises!!
- Jess