Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ice Baths: From Mountain Streams to Bathtubs

Ice baths or cold water immersion therapy has been shown to be effective to reduce swelling in muscles and reduce muscle soreness following hard, long running workouts.  Workouts of high intensity or hilly sections, especially long downhill sections can produce DOMS or delayed onset of muscle soreness. 

If you are new to ice baths, start with immersing just the lower leg in a bucket of ice water.  You may have to remove the leg after one to two minutes of soaking and return to the ice bath.  Try for a water temperature of between 40-50 degrees (F).  With adaptation you can stay immersed for up to 15 minutes. 

We are lucky here in Central Oregon in the summer with mountain streams that carry snow melted water.  I particularly like to sit down in a mountain stream after a long run and have the cold water swirl around my legs and thighs.  And most of the water coming out of the tap in and around Bend, whether from the Bend Watershed or wells often have temperatures between 40-50 degrees. 

In addition to reducing swelling and muscle soreness, ice baths can help prepare the muscles for second hard effort.  This may be important if you are on a relay team or have back to back races on a weekend.

Enjoy the benefits of cold water immersion this summer as you spend more time in the mountains. 

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