Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Come Run With Us

Dear ACB Member and Runner:
Please join us for The Athletic Club of Bend’s Running Club. Enjoy two structured workouts per week led by personal trainers and the camaraderie of other runners. To join the Running Club all you need to do is complete a Lactate Profile Test ($75).

Athletic Club of Bend Running Club, June 21 – August 30, 2012
Running Workouts: Thursday at 8:00 am with Nicole and Tim
Run-Specific Resistance Training Workout: Wednesday at 8:00 am with Jessie

  • Optimum training with lactate-based heart rate training zones
  • Trainer-led interval workouts and running-specific resistance training
  • Camaraderie and fun with other runners

To Join the Running Club:
Complete one Lactate Profile Test ($75). Buy 2 tests and pay only $130 for a $20 discount. Measure your training improvement with a second lactate profile test.
It is the most accurate method for determining training zones and measuring training improvement. Research has shown pace at lactate threshold to be the best predictor of endurance performance.
For more information or to schedule a lactate profile test please contact Tim Gibbons at 385-3062. ext 201. 
Please RSVP if you plan on doing a workout
Wed at 8:00 am with Jessie: TrainerJessieMac@gmail.com
Thurs at 8:00 am with Nicole: nicolepressprich@hotmail.com or with Tim timothypgibbons@yahoo.com




Thursday, June 14, 2012

Outdoor Workouts at ACB

We have a lot of outdoor workouts at the club, have you tried any of them?
Road cycling, Tai Chi, Beginner Mountain biking, Running club, Spring Training, Cross Fusion, Outdoor pool classes, and sometimes spin class or a personal training session.  It's nice to get some fresh air and get a workout in at the same time, just makes you feel good!

Friday, June 8, 2012

ACL Graft Strength Over Time

A lot of folks are asking me, "How long until your better?"  Not sure what they mean by better (and don't know if I want to) Anyway, here's a picture I took out of my post-operative rehabilitation guide book.  It's hard to read but the time is 0-12 months.  Give a few days, and I'm at the 1 month mark now - lowest strength point since surgery, weird to think about.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Drop Dead Healthy

Want to read something motivating but very very funny, try Drop Dead Healthy by A.J. Jacobs. I was cracking up while reading it today and I was reminded of something we do in the ACB Weight Management Program. That is, measuring your waistline once a week. For one reason to be aware of what's going on with your body so you can take action or at least feel tempted too! It's been shown that those who measure their waistline and weight once per week, maintain weight loss long term. Another reason, the one I was reminded of in the book, is that the size of your waistline is one of the best predictors of heart disease. So bust out the tape measure and the scale once per week and check in with yourself. Knowing what is going on is the first part of making a change! If you want some assistance with weight loss, try our WMP (Weight Management Program). Nutrition, exercise classes, and support to give you a jump start!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Easy to do at Home

Easy leg/hip exercise to do at home.  You just need a resistance band for this one!
Leg Abduction

Leg abductions improve the strength and function of the lateral thigh muscles along with the muscles in the hip. You can perform leg abductions while sitting on a chair or stability ball. Wrap the Thera-Band around both thighs and slowly push both legs out as far as possible and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat for 10 to 15 repetitions. Gradually increase the resistance of the Thera-Band as your strength improves.

Monday, June 4, 2012

What are your favorite leg strengthening exercises?

Since I injured my ACL, I haven't been doing any lunges or squats and I actually miss doing them!  Tell us what some of your favorite leg exercises are and why?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Knee Rehab on Physioball

Ok - these are good rehab exercises after ACL surgery but also good exercises for general strengthening and stability of the knee joint and muscles around it - quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus.