The problem most people encounter is losing steam once the novelty of the resolution has worn off. Too many times this happens because people are unrealistic and impractical with the resolutions they make. Try avoiding hard numbers when making goals.
“I’m going to lose 10 pounds by summer” and “I’m going to drop two dress sizes in eight weeks” are common fitness resolutions many women make. The problem with these two resolutions is that they’re too fixated on a number. If every week you stand on the scale or try to slide on your skinny jeans to see the progress you’ve made, it’s much easier to become discouraged when you see no evidence of change. By focusing too much on the end result, you lose sight of the behavioral changes you should be making to reach these goals.
Instead of creating a fitness resolution with the end result in mind, create one that is more focused on behavioral changes. “I’m going to try one new healthy recipe every week instead of ordering take-out” or “I’m going to take one 45 minute walk five days a week” are better resolutions to make. Why? It is because they focus on things you can directly control. At the end of the day, losing 10 pounds and keeping the weight off is only going to happen if you’re leading a healthier lifestyle. You’re bound to stick to a healthier lifestyle if you aren’t constantly discouraged by the number on the scale.
Also remember to cut yourself some slack. Slipping up isn’t the end of the world. Focus on the positive instead of the negative and watch your fitness level improve regularly! See you at the gym.